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Part Numbers: JL1002530 (4-stage) and JL1002529 (3-stage)
Part Name : Telma Hand Control Switch

The manual hand control lever allows the driver to activate the Telma independent of the service brakes. This control is typically used in applications where there are long downhill descents. Driver training is needed to use properly.

Note: JL1002530 (4-stage) replaces JL210304 and TIG31073 which are no longer available. JL1002529 (3-stage) replaces JL200304 and TIG31074 which are no longer available.



Document # Description
TL106020 New Hand control Switch with Deutsch DTM style connector
TIL34051 Wiring Diagram - Hand Control with ABS - No TRCM
TL101009 Owners Manual
TL133011 Hand Control Switch Installation Procedure