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Part Numbers: JC241103 & JC241105
Part Name : Telma ABS Interface

The ABS interface is designed to control the retarder during an ABS braking event. During the time that the vehicle is in ABS mode, the interface will deactivate the retarder. When the ABS event is over, the interface will re-apply the stages at 1 second intervals, as long as retardation is still being requested by the driver.

The Telma ABS Interface has been phased out of our current product range and is no longer available. A new product called the Telma Retarder Control Module (TRCM) has been introduced and is now available as a replacement for the ABS Interface.


Document # Description
TL105089 ABS Interface Availability
TIL05054 ABS Interface P/N JC241102, JC241103, JC241104 Product Description
TIL35014 Logic and Trouble Shooting of the Telma ABS Interface
TL101009 Owners Manual
TL101015 ABS Interface Troubleshooting Guide
TL101010 Quick Reference Guide
TIL05069 Telma ABS Warning Light Circuit Elimination